28 Nov 2016Selfsgiving
If you have not seen the “Selfsgiving” video yet, please take a moment to watch:
I watched the entire 2-minute faux-documentary production and experienced a range of emotions throughout. The lighthearted, cleverly titled video suggests you bypass the stress of a traditional Thanksgiving with family or a Friendsgiving with friends and spend it the best way you can: alone.

Salty Mermaid Oceanfront Hotel patio
I’m sure we all secretly wish we could escape to the beautiful beaches of New Smyrna Beach. Or book a King room for one at the luxury oceanfront hotel, The Salty Mermaid. Have a bottle of wine, delivered. Fling open the curtains and let the soothing sounds of the Atlantic Ocean lull us into a peaceful sleep. No? Just me? If you are looking for a last minute turkey day getaway head to the East Coast of Florida! Even in November, the sun warms the white sand beaches and refreshing salt water ocean. And you don’t even have to get back in your car once you arrive at the Salty Mermaid Hotel. With Salty Rentals you can rent a bike, scooter or golf cart and leisurely explore the beach or Flagler Ave.
For many years, I worked on Thanksgiving Day and usually got my turkey and stuffing fix from the closest Denny’s. I was doing a “Friendsgiving”

Friendsgiving at Salty Mermaid Oceanfront Hotel
without even knowing it. And while this centered around a lot of wine, mediocre T-day dishes, and laughter with friends, there always seemed to be something missing. Usually, my friend Joe when it came time to pay the bill!
It often made me ponder, why DO we celebrate Thanksgiving? I mean, I know it’s when the pilgrims came over on the Mayflower and rode a horse to a piece of land to put a flag on it to claim it as their property, etc. Or is that the plot of Far and Away? I always get Thanksgiving Far and Away mixed up…but that’s another blog.
Thanksgiving to me is a time to be with the people you love. The ones who support you, encourage you, and are there for you throughout the year. Looking back, I am very thankful to have had those “Friendsgivings” on the road because of the amazing friends I made and still have today.
I figured out the part that seemed to be missing; my family. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a family they actually want to spend time with. I don’t travel and work on the road as much anymore, so for the first time in a LONG time I’m celebrating Thanksgiving with my family again. My Mom and I have become closer over the past year since I moved back to Florida. I asked her what I should make for Thanksgiving Dinner and she said, “just bring your wine.” She knows me so well! As a kid my favorite holiday was Thanksgiving, as an adult it’s St. Patty’s Day or any other holiday revolving solely around going to a bar for festive cocktails!
I loved Thanksgiving as a kid because the whole family got together, played games while Mom and Grandma cooked in the kitchen, and then sat around a big table with all of the most delicious foods we never ate throughout the rest of the year. Although sometimes I feel tempted to do a “Selfsgiving” I’m really looking forward to spending it with my favorite loved ones this year!
If you’re family or friends INSIST on seeing you for this festive meal called Thanksgiving, remember to be thankful you have someone who wants you around!
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